
TTC WallpaperChris & Tina have been chosen to be Artists Of The Year by the Fairfield Arts Council. Fairfield Connecticut. Fairfield Arts Council (FAC) is a not-for-profit organization established to foster cultural development and increase public support for the arts.
The Artist of the Year Award is presented annually by FAC to an artist in the visual, performing, or literary arts who has made a significant contribution to his or her field and has demonstrated artistic excellence at the highest level.
The Artist of the Year event on September 24th were brought the community together for a memorable evening of entertainment and tributes.

The show began at 8:00 pm a performance by Tom Tom Club : (“ Take me to the River”, “Genius of Love”, “The Man With the 4-Way Hips” and “Wordy Rappinghood”), and The Brian Torff Group and the band Look Look performed two Talking Heads songs as a tribute "Love for Sale" and "Road to Nowhere".

Banner Band - LOOK LOOK  -  performed two Talking Heads songs as a tribute - Love for Sale - & - Road to Nowhere Acceptence Acceptence
Acceptence Chris - Acceptence Speech Chris - Acceptence Speech Tina - Acceptence  Speech
TTC soundchecking TTC Performance TTC Performance Chris


TTC Performance TTC Performance  


TTC Wallpaper


p h o t o s © Francey
design: Evilord.com


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