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TOMTOMCLUB Store Home Store Mistletunes

Store Info

Welcome to the Tom Tom Club mom 'n' pop shop! Browse through some of the stuff we've got left in our basement for some nice Tom Tom Club goodies!

Pay Pal Only - flat fee shipping (US$9.95) added upon checkout. All items ship with priority airmail from Europe.

Please note that all items ship from Europe. Contact if you want to order wholesale products for a quote on shipping costs.

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7inch Vinyl (signed) + CD single Mistletunes
7inch vinyl + CD single Mistletunes (SIGNED by Chris & Tina)


US$ 50.00

Get both the colored 7" vinyl and 4-track CD-single together. The 7" is signed in person by Chris Frantz & Tina Weymouth


Limited Edition

7inch Vinyl Mistletunes
7inch vinyl Mistletunes (signed by Chris & Tina)


US$ 19.99

US$ 17.99

Tom Tom Club's very special christmas single! Very decorative looking 7" vinyl, that not only sounds great, but also looks great on your turntable. Plus, it'll look lovely in your christmas tree, too!

Picture sleeve / red & white vinyl

** Limited Edition



A: Il Est Né

B: Christmas in the Club (single version) (ftr. Mystic Bowie & Kid Ginseng)

CD single Mistletunes
CD single Mistletunes


US$ 9.99

US$ 7.50

Tom Tom Club's very special christmas CD single! Not only great to listen too, but also makes a nice christmas tree decoration.

Christmas in the Club features Mystic Bowie & Kid Ginseng.


Picture sleeve ** Limited Edition



1: Il Est Né

2: Christmas in the Club (single version)

3: Christmas in the Club (extended)

4: Christmas in the Club (instrumental)

© 2025 TOM TOM CLUB / graphics: Jams Rizzi / webdesign: EVILORD